[Site Feedback] Forum bugs?

Should we have a category here for reporting and solving problems with this Forum software, its UI, or its configuration? There doesn’t seem to be any category that’s clearly the right place for such posts, so they’ve been scattered around several categories so far.

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Maybe the “Welcome to the forum” category is good for that, but we are probably missing a sub-category like “Forum - How to”. But leaders cannot add categories, can they?
We could also consider the “START HERE” category as a “Welcome to this new forum, here is everything you need to learn about this place” (and this would probably give some kind of purpose to this very empty subcategory), but this is not so straightforward and a new user would definitely not know where to go.

Are they that many threads about “bugs” on this forum? I mean, it’s a Discourse forum so the right place to report bugs would be on the Discourse meta forum (and I don’t want to have anything to do in this very messy forum actually).

And speaking of forum bugs, I used to be able to add tags to my posts, but now I seem to only be able to add tags that already exist (and hardly any exist). I can no longer enter a tag that I type. That makes the tag feature useless, since there are hardly any already-existing tags to use.

So, where do we report bugs in the forum?

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I can still make up any tags I like. Are you sure? This doesn’t make sense to limit to ‘trust level.’

[deleted the rest of the post, didn’t notice the discussion above.]

I couldn’t add any tag either to the only thread I created (with a trust level at 1). I just tried doing so again by editing, and here is the result:

I don’t know what would be the normal behavior for adding tags, but here pressing enter ends up in a blank tag field.

There should be a tag for each language/subject category pre-created so that we the great unwashed may at least utilise them for any topics that we may create. I was frustrated in my attempt to tag a topic that I created last week, and, as it is early days, perhaps there are quite a few more stymied budding topic authors.

Someone pointed me to: http://community.memrise.com/tags, having this polluted with hundreds of languages, and stuff, would be a messy solution.

Let’s wait and see what Memrise says about this first.

Actually I’m not sure that having a tag for each language would be interesting. I mean, in this example, I used “russian” just to show that there was a problem, but there is a “russian” sub-category to discuss things directly related to russian. A tag would be a bit redundant, wouldn’t it? I’m not saying it would be useless (tag navigation can be useful), just that there is an even easier way to access exactly the same topic, one click away from the main page.

Obviously, this is only true for a language with a sub-category. It would be different for a language that is less learned on Memrise (javanese, latin, etc) or for something that just doesn’t fit into any category for now (maps, maths, etc). In this case, I agree with you: a tag would be very useful for people looking for information on a language/subject they are learning or for native speakers/people knowledgeable on the subject willing to help learners to improve. In that specific case, not being able to create a tag seems like a problem. I don’t know how feasible it would be to just ask the users with high trust levels to create the tags when necessary, but this sounds like it could easily become a hassle if not organized properly…

I was thinking the same thing earlier - it could be a burdensome chore.

My particular interest at the moment is a sub-category language: Cantonese. Hence my interest in the tags :wink:

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What are useful tags – other than the languages?

If we let users tag their posts, the most popular tags would surface and we’d know what’s useful. But right now I think the system is broken. I was able to choose tags for my posts in the first week, but I can no longer do it.

Anyone now able to create new tags again? I have no new info. There are now some more ‘members’, maybe they can do more than ‘basic members’.

I just tried but it seems that Trust level 2 is not enough to create new tags. Or maybe I’m doing something wrong, but when I try to type a new tag in the tag field, I obtain a “no match found” message. If I’m not doing anything wrong, the other members should also be in the same case, and we “just” have to wait until some users become “Regulars” before testing that again…


Same here, and I am a “Member” too.

I still cannot create tags for my posts.

I just gave it a try and seem to have been successful in adding a tag for “Geography”. I couldn’t see a way to do it for an individual post but it let me add one for a topic I created.

Looking at the expanded definitions of the Trust Levels, I can’t see anything which limits the ability to add tags.

I’ve also had a look at the “Discourse - About” page, which describes the forum features, and had a poke around in the “Discourse Sandbox” but couldn’t find anything there either.

It also looks like I could add a tag to this thread. By clicking on the edit pencil after the category title, the following box opened:

It could be that this is a parameter that was changed by the Memrise team. It seems that most of the parameters are adjustable to the needs of the company using Discourse forums, so this is probably one of these. This would also explain why people could apparently create new tags at the beginning but lost that ability a few days later.

Yes, It could be that. In which case, they should have told us so that we don’t waste our time. :unamused:

Bumping this thread so someone from Memrise can see it and tell us what’s up with tags.