Hello everybody,
I added a lot of memes on Memrise, while I was reading some courses. I can see my memes but one of my followers also wants to have access to added memes by me. How can I do that? Is there any way to share my memes with someone?
Thank you in advance for your help.
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To see another user’s mems:
- Login to the website
- Click on the ‘down arrow’ next to your picture and choose ‘My Profile’
- In the Left hand menu, click ‘Mempals’. Here you see al users you are following.
- Click on a user that you are following. It shows all the mems of that user.
- Note: this only works if you are following other users. You can follow learners by click on their account/icon. You see them in leaderboards or next to the course as the course creator. Then click on the green ‘Follow’ at the right.
- Note2: When clicking on the ‘Following’ button under ‘Mempals’, it becomes green says either ‘Follow’ or ‘Follow Back’. What does that exactly mean in this case?
Good luck!