Share memes with other

Hello everybody,

I added a lot of memes on Memrise, while I was reading some courses. I can see my memes but one of my followers also wants to have access to added memes by me. How can I do that? Is there any way to share my memes with someone?

Thank you in advance for your help.

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To see another user’s mems:

  1. Login to the website
  2. Click on the ‘down arrow’ next to your picture and choose ‘My Profile’
  3. In the Left hand menu, click ‘Mempals’. Here you see al users you are following.
  4. Click on a user that you are following. It shows all the mems of that user.
  • Note: this only works if you are following other users. You can follow learners by click on their account/icon. You see them in leaderboards or next to the course as the course creator. Then click on the green ‘Follow’ at the right.
  • Note2: When clicking on the ‘Following’ button under ‘Mempals’, it becomes green says either ‘Follow’ or ‘Follow Back’. What does that exactly mean in this case?

Good luck!