I had around 14000 points when I noticed I forgot to set the goal for a new course.
I set it to 20000 but then it showed 0/20000 instead of the expected 14000/20000.
I had around 14000 points when I noticed I forgot to set the goal for a new course.
I set it to 20000 but then it showed 0/20000 instead of the expected 14000/20000.
this is not a bug… would you please have the kindness to get a bit used with memrise first?
Why is it not a bug? Please explain or leave a link instead of making remarks that can be misinterpreted.
Thank you
PS. when I say “misinterpreted” I wanted to point out that your comment seems a bit rude.
Hi, @pixelass.
I’m afraid this is how it’s worked since the goals feature was first introduced. It only begins counting the points after you have set the goal.
Regardless of whether it’s a bug or not, perhaps it should be changed.