First link also good for grammar.
Dear Кец Пик, your course is really a gem, you are doing a great job! Thank you so much!
May I ask out of curiosity where your speaker is from? Does she speak a standard/Belgrad Serbian?
Thank you. I am happy you like it. Making this course I’ve also learned a few things about my language.
The speaker is me and I am from Belgrade. Born and raised.
Thank you! From some other courses I learn I took somehow the assumption that course maker and speaker are different persons. But of course it’s the easiest way you do it.
Of course. Unfortunately I do not have as much time as I’d like to work a bit faster on it. I add something anytime I can.
If you have any other questions feel free to ask. Grammar isn’t my strong point, but if you like books, newspapers, music, movies I can give some suggestions.
I’ve learned up to level six so far and I agree with @LouisPhAuger that the longer sentences could be split up into two or sometimes even three parts.
The next point regards word order, which is often flexible. Нема проблема са њим <-> Са њим нема проблема. Adding alts is a lot of work of course, but maybe you could consider it on some obvious points.
The last point is more of a question, do you usually use the double da in future sentences, like in нема шансе да ћу да се сложим, instead of сложићу се? From the perspective of a non-native speaker, I don’t like the double da construction as it feels inelegant. But as far as I know it has a distinctive serbian marking inside the serbo-croatian language area, so please don’t take it as a personal critic.
Same by the way with с / са. Difficult to tell when you used one of them, wich produces lots of errors that are actually none. Still, I enjoy your course very much of course!
I have the whole day off tomorrow and will go over as many levels as I can (perhaps I’ll do some this evening), split long sentences into shorter ones and see what I can do about с/са. Outside this course са usually comes before words that start with с (пита са сиром) but it all depends on the speaker.
Мислила сам да ћу да погодим / да ћу да идем / да ћу да положим испит / да ћу да путујем на море… Yes, it’s quite a standard way of speaking. You can say да ћу погодити / да ћу ићи / да ћу положити / да ћу путовати, it’s fine but not the way many people speak here.
At least it would be a nice rule for this course as well, maybe you did it already that way and I didn’t notice…
That’s interesting, I never paid attention to it while being in Belgrade, thank you!
That’s so nice, I really appreciate it.
I made some changes to level 6 (слагање / неслагање). Existing sentences have been shortened and some new ones added. Longer ones are still there.
The my/your/his… are all for objects in nominative.
The objects in the “were hoping for” sentences are in dative.
С/са has alts but I’ve also put notes “longer with” and “shorter with” to know which one is main, which one sounds better to me.
Changes to level 7 (људи, породица, пријатељи). New sentences added, older sentences are still there but longer ones have been separated into smaller ones.
Level 8 is a mess, will take care of it most likely tomorrow, perhaps tonight as it turned out I do not have the entire day off.
I’ll go over one level a day and fix whatever is needed.
If a sound is messy somewhere let me know so I can record it again.
Thank you! I’m not sure about doubling the sentences, I mean keeping the long ones together with those split up. But I will check it out how it feels.
Edit: I think you can remove the long ones, as it feels kind of redundant answering both long and short ones.
I keep them as someone may want a challenge. You can always ignore words/sentences you find to be too long or perhaps too easy (depending on your level).
Level 8 done. Old stuff fixed, new stuff added.
So future tense can be:
Ја ћу да напишем писмо. - I am going to write a letter. (да)
Ја ћу написати писмо. - I will write a letter. (будуће време сложено)
Написаћу писмо. - I will write a letter. (будуће време просто)
With that bit of guidance in the parentheses you’ll know which one to use.
By the way “мислим да” means “I think (that)”. That’s why there’s да twice:
Он ће да испржи јаја.
Мислим да ће он да испржи јаја.
Lessons for both elementary and high school children. Various subjects.
На нивоу Занимања се поткрала грешка у куцању. Писало је „Жена која се бавим спортом се зове спортисткиња.“ Бавим је прво лице једнине, не треће. Исправно је „Жена која се бави спортом се зове спортисткиња.“
There’s a typo in the level Занимања. It said “Жена која се бавим спортом се зове спортисткиња”. Бавим is first person singular, not third. Correct is “Жена која се бави спортом се зове спортисткиња.”