See mems created by mempals?

I see in other threads that mems were halfway disabled some years ago, and the newest one in the course I use, is indeed 4 years old.

I have made quite a few mems, spending 10-15 min on each of them. Is there a way to let at least mempals see my mems, and be able to choose them?


Hi and welcome to the forum,

Your mempals will be able to see all the mems that you have created if they visit your profile page on the web version of Memrise.

As far as I know, the only way to choose one of your mems, a mempal would first need to get that word wrong when learning or reviewing it. They would then see a selection of up to seven mems and, if one of the mems shown is yours, they would be able to choose it.

Hope this helps.


In the Android app, you can always tap on “try with a mem!” (or whatever is being shown in English versions) and swipe until you find the desired mem. Once you’ve done that, it’ll always be shown when you access an item, IOW the app remembers which mem you viewed last.

By “accessing an item” I mean that it comes up, i.e. when learning, by manually selecting it in a list (such as a level list or the recap after a session), etc.


Gee, just had a look at your mems: you really put some effort into those, kudos! :metal:t4:

He can see other, older mems, but not mine. We’ve both tried to log out and in again. Is it because I’m fairly new to memrise? I am a paying member, but it doesn’t seem to matter

He can see them on my page, btw, but not in the actual course. I haven’t seen a single mem that’s less than 4 years old, but the course is fairly popular, I think. So might new mems not get into the system if there already exist 7 mems for a word?

Danke schon!

Yes, I think that’s partly the answer. I have just taken a look at “How to Study Korean -Unit 1” (Level 6) where the words for your first two mems are - using the Android app - and I could see seven mems for each of those two words but not your mems. I think it’s a matter of capacity. All the mems created will be in the system (so that we can see those that we have created to aid our own learning) but some words could have many associated mems and I guess it would be impractical for us to be able to scroll through every one of them.

@MemriseSupport - Is there a way of achieving this? Even with a choice of seven mems, it can sometimes be the case that none of them ‘hit the spot’ and there may be others in the system (as in this case) which are of a much better quality.


Wow, well over three years of using Memrise and I never realized that there is a max. of 7 mems. That’s pretty much underwhelming, particularly due to the fact that, in many courses, learners will be forced to learn from English even though their mother tongue is something else; this very often leads to those 7 mems being “congested” with i. e. mems in other languages.

Thus I’d say that this is a very serious issue! @JBorrego, @ale_c: are you guys even aware of this?

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Hi Olaf,

Having slept on it, I remembered that this generated a lot of heat when the changes were made. All the debate can be found in these two Release Notes (if you have the time or the inclination):

Post No 12 in the 4 May 2017 RN mentions the ‘7 mems’ limit.