but when searching in the Courses page, no results come up for either Occidental or Interlingue even though Occidental and Interlingue appear in both the title and the description of the course.
It makes me wonder what other Occidental/Interlingue courses are out there that cannot be found. Is this expected behaviour from the search feature?
Ah, ok. That would make sense.
I noticed the person who created the course doesn’t have it on their list as courses they are “teaching”. Does this mean they have abandoned the course, or does it not appear on their teaching list because it is unlisted?
If it is abandoned, could I apply to be the replacement curator? Or would there be a way I can make a copy of the course to curate myself.
Hi @leke, this won’t show in a creator’s teaching list if it isn’t a public course.
We have contacted the course creator to invite them to review your request to be made contributor.