Search function fails again

Is there a problem in the database search again? It was working fine these past few days until today. At least I think so; now, I’m beginning to wonder. :confused: Best if I illustrate with an example.

Imagine a word parsley.

Searching parsley is fine.
Searching pars will also get hits.
However, searching sley will get no hits. Or are some sort of wildcard characters necessary?

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I am also experiencing faulty search functionality. It appears that the search function has broken.

My Device: Chrome for Mac.

Here are some screenshots searching for a Japanese course. The first image is of just Japanese courses by default. The second image is searching using the keywords “Remembering the Kanji”. However, as you can see, the results are exactly the same.

It is because the result of the search “Remembering the Kanji” is a combination of searches for “Remembering” and “the” and “Kanji”. And since “the” is almost everythere then the result is the same as if you didn’t search for anything.

Courses have tags but for some reason the search doesn’t work for them, instead it incorporates words that are in the course desciption.

Nonetheless the search shouldn’t display courses that have each word separatedly but courses that have all of them at once.


Searching just “Remembering” would do the trick.

well… quite difficult to guess which wildcard would bring the desired results :sunglasses:

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