Search for a word on Web

Is there a facility for me to search for a word in my own created database?
I find I am entering duplicates which I do not want to do,
If not can a search function be created by your staff.

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Yes, 1, go to ‘Edit course’
2. Click the ‘Database’ button -
3. In the drop down that appears (usually with one existing database choice and one option for creating a new one), choose the database you want to search (or edit for that matter). The database view opens.
4. Type the word you want to search on in the field before the spy glass.
5. Click the Spy glass button.
Pls, let me know if this solves your problem. Happy learning!

Many thanks John, it’s just what I wanted, I really appreciate your reply.

kind regards


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No problem! Any ‘like’ welcome :smiley:

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