@renanpoco recently asked me for a script to add images to words in his courses. I have made a script in Python with a GUI that
- Launches a browser window in which you can log in to Memrise
- Go to the edit page of your course and open those levels that you want to have processed
- Select the column from which to take the word, the font in which to render it, and the rendering engine (either Pango or XeLaTeX)
- Start processing of the open levels, which will render each word and upload the resulting image to the image column
The script can be found on GitHub.
Please be aware that it relies on some 3rd party software:
- ChromeDriver or geckodriver to launch a browser window of Chrome or Firefox respectively
- ImageMagick for PNG image creation (and in case of selecting the XeLaTeX renderer option, also a TeX distribution and Ghostscript)