Russian 1 Course Progress Lost and parts missing


I am doing multiple courses here on Memrise, but the following issue only happened to me in Russian 1, and started about a week and a half ago.

I logged onto memrise as usual and my progress in russian was down to below 10 words mastered. When taking a look at the course structure, I noticed some of the parts are missing, and I’m stuck at part 6, which is roughly where I was before. Also some parts I already completed are showing up double, with one of the two containing 0/0 words.

It looks to me like the course is being restructured, and the parts that were changed/removed/added have replaced my progress, but I could be wrong.
As I thought it might be course restructuring, I waited, but the issue persists.
I tried to restart the progress and quit the course on web, but when I reentered it on the iOS app my progress still looked the same and the problem was still there.

I use Memrise mainly as iOS app version 2.2.2 on an iPad 2 with iOS 9.3.5, but have checked on web and web on mobile, and the issue persists no matter on which platform I access the course.

Screenshot of it on the iOS app, showing the first part showing up double

Screenshot of it on web, showing missing parts. This can be seen in the app as well.

I have the exact same problem, so you are definitely not the only one. Unfortunately I haven’t found a solution either, I have tried quitting and restarting the course, but no luck. Hopefully the Memrise staff or users can come up with a solution soon.

Hi Frankenwolfe and Quesingo, that level no longer exists within the course.

Could you try logging out and back into the application and see if the course gets updated?

The screenshot you recently posted is different to the progress I see on your account. Did you restart the course?

The app shows the correct levels now, but my previous progress is still lost. @Joshua

Indeed, your progress for the first few levels will be lost due to the course being restructured.

The romanised levels has been removed and been replaced with Cyrillic alphabet.

All right, thanks for taking the time to help us and explaining this.

The app version of the course has extra levels, if I am not mistaken.
Do you know if these will be added to the web version soon?
And I can still complete the entire course on the web without doing the extra levels, right? @Joshua

Thank you so much.

There should be no difference between the levels shown on the website and the application.

However, the website doesn’t have missions which can only be seen on both Android and iOS.

That is what I was thinking about, missions. Everything’s clear now.
Thanks once again!

Hello Joshua

Thank you for your fast response.

I logged out and back into the app and the progress is updated now. There are still parts missing though as it jumps from 1 to 3 and from 3 to 5 as seen here

No problem :sunglasses:

Could you try re-downloading the application Frankenwolfe?

I reinstalled the app and it’s all working again now.

Thank you :slight_smile:

Very happy to found this thread. I was stuck for 10 days and couldn’t figure out what to do. Contacted support, but no response. That was a bad experience for a paying users.