Rollout of the new dashboard and learning sessions experiences to all our customers

I would like to also say that for me the new difficult words mode is a real pain. I just want another classic review but targeted to the words I got wrong before. I don’t want to have to go through a constrained process of relearning them. Half the time I know them but made a typo and the other half I just needed a reminder and I will remember it for the next session after repeating it. The new difficult words mode just slows me down - maybe enough that I just won’t bother using it anymore which is a shame as it really fitted well into my process of doing classic review of all my courses every day to keep the words fresh in my memory.


Another issue I have is that when I get a word wrong in classic review I don’t get to type it out immediately. I have to answer another word and then am presented with the word I got wrong again. I much preferred how before I got a word wrong and then had to spell it out correctly before I could continue. That helped with the issue I had of commonly misspelling words.

Just generally I have got to say I really don’t like the changes that have been made. To give you some credit the new dashboard does load faster but as far as I am concerned that is where the improvements end. I am guessing you rewrote things in react native or something so you could share the code across mobile and desktop but if so that has come at a real cost to the quality of the web interface. I’m not sure if I will stick around with these changes. I definitely won’t be starting any new courses.


Does anyone know of any mem clone or similar learning system out there? 2nd day without mems and I’m already struggling a lot. It’s unbelievably frustrating…


I just started making flashcards with this version of Anki (AnkiApp - The best flashcard app to learn languages and more. ), and it’s very intuitive and reaaaally pretty awesome. You can drag and drop images, change the colors and fonts, attach audio files, move everything around however you want it. I’ve been pulling up my difficult words list and feeding those into it since the change, making flashcards the ones I get stuck on before I review them here (especially since the new difficult words review is not exactly challenging or effective). There’s not near as much of a learning curve with this one as with this Anki ( Anki - powerful, intelligent flashcards (, and you can use it even if you can’t download software to your computer (because it is, for example, also a work laptop).


You can still see them in the App version, I’m not sure for how long though.

Most of the changes in the learning process are coming from the mobile version, namely a learning session divided in two, difficult words sessions, no stats for words after reviews (what else?). Instead of two versions of Memrise complementing each other we now have one, and strictly speaking desktop users are forced to go into the mobile app.

@BenWhately @James_g_memrise

Can you explain what are you trying to achieve with the latest updates? What is the purpose of this unification?


I think memrise has abandoned the serious language learners in favor of those that just like to casually play around with learning a few new words in other languages while waiting in line at the grocery store.


Hello. The day before yesterday all learning interface was updated. I remarked some issues (Firefox 96.0.1 x64).

There was possibility to press Enter and immediately go to next step In old interface. In new interface it works only while test process (when need to choose one of suggested options). Enter key don’t work when need to write word by himself, by letter. It’s really inconvenient and uncomfortable, learning and repeating takes more time than before.

Another issue is about learning new words. Somehow in new interface learning process separated into two step. At first I just make a test (choose something of suggested options), than learning ends. Next press on learning button starts another step, when I write new words by letter by himself. In old interface it was only one step and it was much more convenient.

Maybe it’s a bug, not a feature? Is it possible to make some options for this purpose?


Hi @MemriseSupport, @James_g_memrise,

I just want to add that I cancelled my Pro account.

First, I think Memrise is great, and frankly I partly subscribed to Pro two years ago because I did not think that I should use a service everyday and not pay. I heavily used the combined features of “mark as difficult at the end of a session” + “review difficult words” to really learn and perfect. However, removing these features has removed how I learned Dutch and Polish with Memrise. At this moment, I do not see the benefits of the Pro subscription. I will still use Memrise because, as I said, it is great. It is just a bit less great due to the functionality updates. :frowning_face:



Is this any possibility to return old interface?


@MemriseSupport I don’t know how you run your company but I seriously suggest you to review it and update it, and no, not like you update you app… Get some help!
When you decide something (with a final decision lol) do you ask yourself if what you do are really in favor of the end users or just look for your wallet??


Hi @MemriseSupport,

I think many of us would be happy with the ability to use a “legacy” layout. Clearly, Memrise has the infrastructure to support alpha, beta, and default layouts simultaneously. How about adding a “legacy 2021 (2020?)” layout that, aside from critical bugs, is otherwise a frozen release? Pushing this to a hidden option, like beta and alpha releases, while making the new layout+functionality the default resolves many issues. (Embedding “page counters” would also allow internal monitoring of what are the most used features of the legacy release.)



I have liked the 2021 Classic web (although I preferred the original landscape and planting theme) and used it in preference to the Android App.

Now I’ve switched predominantly to the dark mode App and mostly use the web to edit (especially as we can’t edit during a review session in the web rebranded version).


Thank you. It was a good piece of advice. Took no time at all.

Downloaded the list which consists of all words from like…. 8 different databases. Now it’s a nice medley.

Probably I could utilize newly acquired time to do the sorting task.

Unnecessary challenges we get out of the blue are sooooo nice, aren’t they ))))))))))))))))))

Please make the difficult words tool as it was … You’ve ruined it and there is no point for me to continue using memrise if I can’t repeat the words that i find difficult as many times as I want. I see that lots of people agree with me and are complaining about the same thing, so you gotta do something, otherwise you’re gonna loose a lot of Pro users.


Same issue in Japanese & Kanji courses - the default font chosen for the characters is not good.

In the past I’ve used a script run by Stylus to change the font, but that’s broken since this update.


This new version is so unappealing. With everything so big, it’s now harder to actually take all the information in. And god, there are so many more colors, it just feels overwhelming. On top of that, the auto-acceptance of correct answers is not working with Japanese input, so a majority of the time, I don’t know if I’ve typed the wrong thing or not, find myself changing an answer and then it turns out my first answer was correct.

This new rollout is just so beyond unpleasant and slow on top of all of that. I now find myself dreading using the desktop version and am considering just making myself some flashcards instead.


I no longer get to hear the audio because of this. I guess I type too fast. Well, I do sometimes get to hear the first syllable, but that is more irritating than helpful.


While learning new words, that plant growing icon constantly flipping into view on the right side of the screen is very distracting. I’m supposed to be looking at the words not at some picture to the side.

I’m really trying to use this new version, but it is like death by a thousand paper cuts. Every little annoyance builds up telling me to just move on. I hate to consider that since Memrise was so helpful to me in the past.


This is just a redesign of the old system; they’re apparently planning on making an entirely new site with an entirely new format.