Revision session gets stuck on typing answer

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I’ve just come out of a revision session where this happened, which reminded me that I meant to report it.
It happens that the revision session gets stuck on me typing a response, and no matter how many times I get the response wrong (I got bored after trying to find the limit after 20 times, I don’t think there is one) it keeps going back to it, insisting that I type it (ie it doesn’t switch to another mode or skip it). Pressing ‘I don’t know’ doesn’t help, either.
Expected behaviour? Either switch to a different format of revision, or skip it after x number of incorrect responses and bring it back in a later session?
This happens on general, language level revisions sessions which bring in questions from multiple courses.

  • Description of the issue: Please describe the issue in detail. e.g. do you see an error message? What is the issue preventing you from doing do? What should be the expected behaviour? Does this happen only on certain courses, levels, items, learning modes or devices?

  • Your device and browser details
    Lenovo Chromebook, latest Chrome OS, latest Chrome browser

  • Description of steps to reproduce the issue
    Filter by language. Click on Review all items. Issue is intermittent (seen this 4 or 5 times now)

  • Do you have any screenshots of the problem? Please upload them here.

Mine frequently hangs on Safari on my mac in the middle of a session (both new words and classic review), especially if I switch tabs and then switch back to memrise. This is only since the “upgrade.” Keyboard and mouse imput are lost, and I have to reload the tab. Once, I had to restart Safari. I have also had a problem on Safari with hangs when I tried to ignore a word from within a session.

Hi @ndiver, sorry about this. Can you confirm if you’re getting an error message similar to this one?



Thanks for reporting this. Just to understand better, are you getting any error messages at all? Are
your answers being marked as incorrect when you’re entering a correct answer? Or is it more an issue with the session prompting you with a typing test over and over until you get it right?

If not, this sounds like a limitation with typing rather than a bug. In that case, I’ll raise this with the relevant team so we can iterate on this.

I look forward to your response.

No. I am just getting a nonresponsive page. Maybe if I waited long enough, I’d get that. I can see next time.

Hi - no, no error message except for the response being wrong (this generally will happen with longer sentences, where correct typing can be challenging). The only way out of the loop is to copy/paste the correct response (or, by dint of despair, manage to type the correct answer on 10th+ attempt), or to stop the review session.

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Thanks, I’ve created a ticket for this so our team can investigate and consider changing this logic.

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