Review time intervals

What’s the formula for the time between memrise presenting words in classic review?

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Memrise uses the Spaced Repetition System. However, I don’t think it’s implemented properly …

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The Memrise SRS review schedule is as set out by Kaspian in the third post in the earlier forum topic linked below. That said, I haven’t checked recently to see if there have been any subsequent changes. It still looks about right.


What I meant with “not implemented properly” is the fact that, on Android, there is always one day in the week where I get heaps of items for review and one day where there is none or extremely little.

It might be different on the web though, or maybe even on iOS …

The default SR intervals listed on this Wiki site:

There might be required some additional knowledge when Memrise uses 4-5h short term intervals (e.g finished first six planting steps in learning mode), when longer intervals will be either reset to A) 4h or B) 12h.

I somehow miss a Overdueness review option so higher intervals like 90 or 180 days or middle intervals won’t get that easily reset back to 4h or 12 hours.
AFAIK AnkiSRS has a special option in the settings not to compeltely reset, but to lower the intervals.

It is quite sad that the “Catch Up” review userscript from Cooljingle is not working anymore, so overdueness words I still know can jump over some default SR next intervals.

As I work on multiple Portuguese courses in parallel, I can admit that it is hardly possible for me to catch up with the due words and I am not that successfull to really clear the higher backlog queues on a regular basis, even when I stop learning of new words.

I probably need some flexibility which is not yet there so I do not have to OVERWORK?

At the moment the biggest problem are those PT courses from English which use English definitions in the 2nd column which I have never heard of in the last 25+ years of English practice as I am not on a CEFR C level and I might miss several B2 words and verb synonyms.

So my review accuracy is not always that good and reviews get reset back to 4h or 12h very often.

In other courses I have “near miss” scenarios where I rather would like to soften the SR intervals and maybe just go 1-2 intervals but when I “almost knew” the word and where I had seen many reviews of the word (streaks).

I think it would be good if the Memrise intervals had a little bit random slack +/- three hours or so to spread out the tests even more. What happens is that you have a marathon session to catch up with all the words in a course and you feel great. Let’s say you missed 40%. Then exactly two days on the hour later you have those 40% words plus some more…