Review mode doesn't let choose level and scores too high

When pressing the review button for a course when there are no words to be reviewed it used to go to the list of levels and let the user press review for a specific level, where the score is much lower than if the words were actually to be reviewed. However, now it just picks 10 random words gives as high score as if I was learning them. Also, the score it says I got after reviewing words (even if they were words to be reviewed) is slightly higher than expected.
This problem occurs on all courses.
Problem started occurring recently after not using the web version for about two weeks.
Browser is Internet Explorer, cache was cleared quite shortly before problem started.

I think what @TvojeMatka described as the previous behavior is what used to happen when one had no more words to review in a course but pressed the blue review button on the results screen that’s shown after learning words or reviewing words. The behavior has been changed to behave the same as when one presses the white review button on the courses screen.

As a workaround, I would recommend just looking to see if there’s a number next to the word “Review” on the blue review button, and if there’s not, just click the “levels” button instead.

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Thank you, the workaround worked for reviewing the specific words and I now understand why. However, I still find the score questionable, did Memrise intentionally increase it so much? What previously would give me 300 points now gives me over 1000.

You’re welcome :slight_smile:

I don’t normally look at the score, so I’m not sure about that.

Slightly related, this morning I have just noticed that after reviewing in a level, it no longer takes me back to the same level to review more items in that level or the chance to move onto the next level, but it takes me to the home screen showing all the levels and I have to remember which level I got to.

Anyone else confirm that?

Cc @Joshua & @lurkmoophy