I’m reviewing right now, and when typing, it will pause (this seemingly occurs whenever I hit enter); then, when moving my cursor to the “play button”, it’ll unpause. It keeps toggling like this.
Yes, I’m having that problem too.
Switching to another window (so I can use the Lexilogos Greek keyboard) will cause always cause the review to pause. It never used to. But the review seems to then unpause itself at random. Very frustrating.
The timer is also behaving in quite an odd way - I was just told for a review session that my time taken was -45.9s!
I have a script to block the timer, but perhaps mine would be showing bizarre times, too.
I just checked to see if the pausing was still going on, and right now it’s when I type the correct answer. Doesn’t seem to happen on yellow or red responses.
edit: I turned off the tampermonkey forgive typo script, and that seems to do the trick. Do you have it installed?
No, I’m not using any scripts at all. Just plain vanilla Memrise.
I use Memrise for Greek, so I do switch tabs to a Greek keyboard once I’ve been asked a question, but that’s it.
It’s always been like this for me.
Same for me - I alt+tab over to Lexilogos Devanagari to use their keyboard and it was doing the same for me yesterday and this morning. It would pause every time I left Memrise and then resume when I came back in (after a second or so delay). Those seconds do add up pretty quickly. It never used to do this.
Side note for the Memrise staff - is there a way of integrating third-party keyboards like Lexilogos into the Memrise interface? I don’t think anyone learning any language that uses a script other than Latin uses the in-built Memrise keyboard because it is simply too slow. Copying and pasting every single word does slow the process down considerably.
So, what happened was, we received complaints were users accidentally leave their session active, which caused their progress time to be super high.
Here’s a screenshot from my account.
As you can see, in 30days I accumulated 91 hours + of learning time in the website. Which of course is incorrect, the correct time should be 10 - 20 hours.
So a change and fix was introduced.
Fix: When a user is no longer focused on the learning session, (such as changing browser tab or doing something else) their session is automatically paused.
This is to prevent their time spent to skyrocket due to forgetting that they were in a learning session.
However, what I propose is to change the behaviour to only automatically pause the session when no longer active after 5minutes, and not pause straight away when you click on a different tab / window.
Change: When a user is no longer focused on the application for 5 minutes, their session is now automatically paused. (Maybe the user left their computer on and went out to grab a coffee or went out for lunch).
This prevents their time increasing from 1 hour on the website to let says 9 hours.
Many thanks for getting back to us Joshua. Yes, that sounds like a great solution and I’d very much like to see it implemented.
Thank you for the response. I’m stilling occasionally encountering the following scenario: when I type an answer and click enter, the session will pause.
Thank you for that fix! I am studying Hebrew so I am also using an alternate keyboard. When I alt+tab to type it would pause the reviewer but alt-tabbing back would not resume. I had to then go to the mouse to click resume. It literally broke my workflow! Your 5-minute timer would be a great fix, thank you so much!
G’day Joshua, do you have an ETA for when the fix will get rolled out?
The change to the timer/pausing is also causing some very odd behaviour elsewhere…
Well thats just nasty.
I think this is a side affect by the bug, I’ll notify the web developer.
Hopefully, we can expect a fix in the next update.
Thank you!
The session no longer pauses straight away after switching tabs or when you’re no longer focused on the session.
However, after 5 minutes of inactive the session will be automatically paused.
Thank you for sorting things out so quickly Joshua, much appreciated.
The session end screen (perhaps both end sessions screens?) also pauses. That doesn’t make sense to me.
I think it will still pause because the end of session screen is still part of the session.
Yes it does now, but didn’t used to, and I don’t think it makes sense. I will have that screen always open when I’m not reviewing and that didn’t before result in the system telling me I reviewed 24 hours today.
The second end screen I am talking about (and perhaps I am talking about the first one too) shows you a button you can click to start another reviewing session and how many items are due for review. Surely that is not part of the previous session?
From a UI standpoint it is also a sub-optimal situation as this is an extra unnecessary click to unpause it
The end of session screen is paused automatically after 5 minutes right?
I don’t think this is a major issue. It’s not like it pauses straight away every time you’re no longer focused on the browser.
It pauses due to inactivity.