Review broken again?

Did you see this? Sigh.

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I would just try moving to a different website but I’ve built up so many points here that I couldn’t do it with a clean conscience. Oh well, time to spend three times as much time studying because I have to keep re-orienting my eyes to find out what the question will even be looking for from me…

For me it’s not even about the points. It’s all the words I’ve learned and how to transfer that…

Good luck with the eye adjustment.


If you come across an alternative…let me know.

it seems the review is buggy again. (Beside the audio review not functioning in most of my courses) sometimes I have to review items that I already watered 30 mins ago…

Almost two months later…and they still haven’t fixed it. Has anybody found a better site with the same fundamental mechanics yet?

Are you talking about the colors for Japanese?

I guess that would be an added bonus, but in general I mean a site as effective as the original Memrise.

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that looks like an interesting course… :joy:

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:rofl: say you don’t

I cannot review in my own Chinese courses… es dreht und dreht und dreht sich… anyone with similar probs?

Santa, all I want for Christmas is for Memrise to be usable, like, at all…