Review broken again?

Things have been broken for a while. I am currently using the typing only script, but the audio still does not work right during reviews or adding new words. I only get audio when I get a word correct. There is no audio playback when I get something wrong. Hearing the words spoken when I get a word wrong is very important to help me remember.

@BeaTrisy, any news about the issues, in particular the “see answer” problem?

errr, I’m getting this error again.

And no, I don’t have scripts running.

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i have the impression that see answer/escape after giving the right answer are back to normal now? what a relief…

thanks, @BeaTrisy (or to whom fixed this)

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Gonna have to agree with this big time. If this was fixed then a hugely useful function was restored.

thanks for message about escape @Hydroptere, was waiting for it for so long, tired of trying it and happy I can use it again!

The useful feature that Memrise used to tell you “Sorry, you typed the [column name 2] when we wanted the [column name 1]. Try again.” and gave another opportunity to answer is still missing. Some people used this for synonyms. Since that infamous update your answer is immediately counted as wrong.

Actually, like @raito789 said, the synonym (a.k.a. other column) thing was fixed as long as you’ll type what’s “on top” of the “synonym” column, if you’ll type one of its alternatives it is marked wrong. It would be nice to have the full functionality back because there’s often more than one synonym.

That is not what I’m experiencing. For example in when you accidently typed the title instead of the artist you used to get another chance to answer.

audio review works

Learning is somewhat broken again.

Let’s say I have my course settings set to learn 5 words at a time (which I do). What happens is that I’m only gonna get the first 2 words until they are considered fully learned, only then come the next 2, and then comes the last one four or five times in a row.

you’re right, unfortunately; probably the algorithm was changed “to our own good”. I don’t find this new algorithm very learning conducive either…

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‘not very learning conducive’… indeed, to put it mildly. If that’s for our own good, and not just a bug,then Memrise really messed up IMHO

The escape/see answer was still broken for my yesterday, but I’m hoping it’ll work today. Is it still functional for you? Yesterday all that happened was it would skip to the next item for review.

EDIT: Nope, still broken for me. Is this really working for everyone else? - because if so, I need to figure out what’s hindering my browser.

EDIT AGAIN: Okay, I turned off Memrise Forgive Typos, Memrise Catch up Review, and Memrise Wrong answer skip. I don’t know which one was the actual culprit (or if they were merging to do the damage), but now it’s working.

i said “see answer”/(escape). Usually i give the right answer and the click fast to “see answer”… today i was not penalised anymore for doing that… let me check… still working for me… i have my userscript turned on (but mine makes a lean interface, is none of cooljingle’s one)

edit: can someone from the team please confirm or infirm that these 2 items and then other 2 etc is the new learning algoritm? (i personally find this style of learning a rather bad idea…)

Yeah, I got the see answer/escape to finally work by turning off those scripts. Glad that’s been resolved…

Hello all,

Thank you so much for your feedback over the last few weeks. This will hopefully be the last update, so let’s get to it:

  • Pressing Escape/“See answer” during a test should no longer be count the answer as wrong
  • We’ve tweaked the learning algorithm to introduce words more gradually in sessions.

Thank you again for your patience and Happy Learning!

I think this explains why the planting sessions doesn’t work anymore :frowning: Learning / planting session order is broken! @BeaTrisy

Hi @11145, When have you tried a learning session last?

@BeaTrisy About half an hour.

@BeaTrisy, there is still a bug that I just tested for that seems to still be present.

The bug is that currently if you type a correct answer that’s in a column other than the one that is being asking for, a little message pops up saying that you typed a correct answer but for a different column than was asked for, but if you type a correct alternate answer for another column than the one that was asked for, it’s just counted as wrong.

For example:

Prompt: "个"
Correct answer: "a"
Pinyin: “ge4”. Also, “ge5” as an alternate answer.

If one types “ge4”, one gets a nice little message saying that they typed the wrong column. If one types “ge5”, it’s marked as incorrect.

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