Where did the old blue button at the top right corner to review all your words at once go?
It’s a real nuisance to have to jump from course to course to review my words. I want to old version back, this one is just a real pain.
Where did the old blue button at the top right corner to review all your words at once go?
It’s a real nuisance to have to jump from course to course to review my words. I want to old version back, this one is just a real pain.
it works essentially the same. Ensure you have selected a language using the filter in the top left, which is on ‘Recently learned’ by default. Then there’s a ‘review all’ button above the course list.
Thanks for your reply. I would never figure that out. That functionality is a bit hidden.
I learn just one language so I wouldn’t even think of using a language filter. Thanks for your hint since I use this feature on a daily basis and I thought you got rid of it utterly.
Me too, I just study Spanish, and I would never figure out I would need to filter by the only language I have to study to see that button.
The condition for that button could be improved to the more generic “are all the courses listed from a single language?” instead of the more specific “are we using a language filter?”.