Reverse language for Speed Review

I am learning German from English. The Speed Review always presents English words, and I need to pick the correct German translation. However, sometimes I want to be presented with German words, and pick the correct English translation (just to enhance learning experience). If I change my language to German in the profile settings on web version that seems to be working every now and then. I was also playing with changing my main language on android phone, which also worked few times. But there is no consistency, and I cannot figure out what actually triggers the change. I also saw some posts telling to click on “pencil” icon of the specific item of the given course, then change the testing direction. However, I don’t see any setting for that on my IE browser. Again this is only for Speed Review (as classic review flips the question language back and forth). Any tips or ideas are welcome. Thanks in advance.

If it’s a course you created you can click on a pencil on the level editing page and change the testing direction of that level, it’s not a function open to learners of the course.

But! the testing direction selected on the course don’t seem to change the direction on the speed review in my limited experience. I’ve only used it on one course where it’s set to prompt in Bulgarian and select from English answers, but on speed review I get the English prompt and have to select from the Bulgarian.