I thought it might be nice to have a collection of useful (online) resources for learning Dutch in one place.

I’ll kick off with this nice site that I found just now:

I was looking for examples of how the word ‘eraan’ is used and after using Google Advanced Search for a particular phrase, this site popped up in the search results. It has lots of examples and translations into English


@richardmtl - do you have anything to add?

The YouTube channel of is very nice. Vocabulary and a little soapopera to follow. The soapopera is meant to be used in combination with their course material, but I don’t think you need to do that to enjoy it.

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I have things to add, yes indeed @amanda-norrsken! :slight_smile: I can’t vouch for the quality of these resources, they are just things I have come across. The bulk of my learning is still done with Memrise and Duolingo.

That’s about all I can suggest right now.

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I found something nice on YouTube today!

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This is in Dutch, but uses pictures :slight_smile:

This cleared up some confusion for me about articles in Dutch and helps you to know when you need “de” or “het” for Dutch words.

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That is a brilliant resource! It’s where I discovered that there is an equivalent to the English ‘present continuous’ in Dutch: “ik ben aan het + infinitive”. is also a great resource.

Exercises that you completed successfully from the first time are marked as ‘known’ and will not come back. Exercises that you failed will keep returning until you successfully completed them three times in a row. You can do 50 exercises per day.

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This site is for easy reading.
Men kan veel artikelen in Archief vinden.

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I kind of like YouTube videos in Dutch. For beginners I recommend short videos with correct subtitles, like

(<-- For “Cliphanger” you need to turn on the subtitles in YouTube)

No subtitles but easy language:

(<-- That’s indeed one of my favorite shows. The language is easy. But it should cover the 3000 or so most frequent words. But don’t be mistaken, the show isn’t exclusively for kids. It covers a wide range of topics: from family life, war, Apartheid, racism, love, marriage, death, international relations, politics, crime, etc.)

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Fantastic resources, thank you! I could also recommend learnpractice and where you can even fiddle your own texts without having to think about mistakes.

They also have a ‘de of het’ checker and quizzes, which was super handiggg when I was learning Dutch :smiley: