Has anyone created or studied a Memrise course with a unique questioning structure? As in, more than just mere translation?
I’ve been experimenting with different testing types.
Rather than prompting the user to react to a prompt with the translation, I have a course that asks users to identify the phonetic qualities (IPA) and pitch contour (as Cantonese is a tonal language).
Still, I’m unsatisfied with the ultimate result.
What I’d really like is something more dynamic. For example:
- User is prompted with a question.
- User chooses a relevant response to the question.
Another option:
- User is prompted with a question or statement with missing information (empty blank).
- User chooses an answer that fills the empty blank.
Last option:
- User is prompted with a straight-forward question.
- User is asked to answer with an affirmative or negative answer.
One only hang-up with this is I don’t think I’d be able to test for both positive and negative responses within the same level.
The other problem is that I wouldn’t be able to have two or three audio files associated with different columns of a specific entry.
And for the amount of work this would take, I’ll probably be unsatisfied with the predictability of it. Primarily because some answers are so blatantly wrong, quickly narrowing down realistic possibilities to 1.
Due to this being a spaced-repetition system, it’s not possible to setup a Pimsleur-style dialogue (to my knowledge).
Well, pretty sure I just talked myself out of this.
I’m left wanting more. Can something more novel and worthwhile be created on this platform than rote vocabulary memorization? Are there greener pastures somewhere?