Reset account

Heey guys,

I have a question! Is it possible to reset your account and start from scratch? Not deleting just removing all the scores and the learned things.

Because i haven’t used my account in quite a while and there are alot of things that I was learning but I forgot most of it. And I would like start over again.

Thanks in advance allready!

Hi, if you wanted to you can restart a course, this should help:

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It’s also possible to reset your progress on individual lessons without resetting the entire course. Simply go to the page for the lesson you want to restart, click the Options button, and select Restart.

Thank you!

You’re welcome

Link doesn’t work. :frowning:

Hi @Louie7 :slight_smile:

The link is:

EDIT (April 25, 2021):
Memrise updated its FAQ. The above link has been discontinued, and the new link is:


Thank you.

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