Request to become a Contributor to a Plant course by Ceiteach

I created this forum thread for plant courses by @ceiteach in June 2019.

[Course Forum] Plant Courses by Ceiteach

As I haven’t heard back, I wonder if you could contact him with a view to supporting the Broadleaf Tree Identification course:

I’d like to add a few more levels using his data.

As ever I’d be very respectful with it.


Many thanks, we have contacted the user with your request inviting them to review your forum post and accept or deny your contributor request.

Best wishes,
Memrise team.


Hi @MemriseSupport, any news back from @ceiteach ?

Are they still active?

Any news @MemriseSupport?

Hi @DW7,

Unfortunately it looks like this user is not active on our community forum, nor our platform recently.

I’ve now added you as a contributor to this course.

Best wishes,
Memrise team.


Thanks @MemriseSupport, as ever I will be very respectful to their course.