Request to become a contributor to a course by kivring32

Please can you contact @kivring32 about becoming a Contributor to his or her course:

I have created this [Course Forum] thread > [Course Forum] "Ch. 4 Earth Science Vocabulary" by kivring32 <.

Many thanks, we have contacted the user with your request inviting them to review your forum post and accept or deny your contributor request.

Best wishes,
Memrise team.


Do you have any news @MemriseSupport?

Hi @DW7

Apologies for the delay here.

Unfortunately, we’ve had no response from the user and they are not active in the forum. I’ve now added you as a contributor to this course. :slight_smile:

Best wishes,
Memrise team.


Many thanks @MemriseSupport, as ever I will be very respectful to their course.

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Hi @MemriseSupport, in order that learning and reversed levels work sensibly, please could you TURN OFF (untick) Tapping and Typing for the second column called Definition (as a Contributor can not do this yet).

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Hi @DW7, that’s been done :slight_smile: