Repeated Answers Issue

Hi everybody,

I’ve created this course and I’ve added all the words I wanted to: English File Intermediate 3rd Edition - by rukasudp - Memrise

Every time I try to learn new words or review them on the Android App with the multiple choice method, the right answer appears repeated. For example, see this screenshoot:

This problem happens with all the words of the mentioned course, but not with others courses, which I’m learning. I have a LG Nexus 5 with Android 6.0.1, but a friend of me expierences the same with his Samsung Galaxy S7. However, it doesn’t happen in the web. Try yourself with your own Android Device or even with iOS.

It’s a bit dissapointing, because the right answer is done and I can’t enjoy the learning experience at all. I don’t know what is the reason of that. At the begining, when I was filling the course I thought that this happened because it hadn’t got enough words. But now the course is ready and published and it has the same problem.

I would appreciate you can help me with that.
Thanks in advance.
Best regards,

It could possibly be that your app hasn’t yet synced with the newly published course, and still has a cached version of when it had very few words? Try logging out, closing the Memrise app, then logging back in. That should force it to update all the courses with the most up-to-date information.

Hi, @rukasudp.

If AndrewFM’s suggestion doesn’t work out, I have another idea to try. I had a peek at your course, and I think this may be the problem:

While I haven’t encountered this problem myself, I have heard that it can show up if you have a regular column in your database which contains the exact same information for multiple entries. Your “Part of Speech” column appears to be a regular one (shown as white in the database editor).

I would try deleting the column, and using an ‘attribute’ column (shown as gray in the database editor) for that information instead.

If you’ve already spent a lot of time on the course though, it may be worth testing it out on another course first, since again, I have no personal experience with this issue.

You can see another discussion on this topic here, which is part of what I’m referencing:

You can convert a regular column to an attribute, though you lose any alts and you can’t convert it back from an attribute to a regular column.

However, in my tropical fish identification course, I have a regular column for family, which repeats the same value for lots of different fish. For example, every parrotfish has “Scaridae, Parrotfish”, every butterflyfish has “Chaetodontidae, Butterflyfish”, and so on. I’ve had it this way for a few months, I review a bunch every day, and I’ve never seen the duplicate answers problem yet.

It worked! Thanks to everyone