Relative pronoun question

Good morning everyone,
I got a question regarding to relative pronoun.

Here comes the man to whom I lent the money.

  • in this sentence, what is the function of telative pronoun?? I thought it was dative case, but the book says the function is direct object, but I dont get it…any help is appreciated!!

I think in your example sentence, whom is the object of the preposition to.
More info here:

Hope this helps.

How should I translate whom in Russian in this case?!?!
Thank you!

Here comes the man to whom I lent the money. → Вот идет человек, которому я одолжил деньги/денег.

The Case is actually depends on a verb.
We say одолжить кому (dative) что (accusative), so который should be used in dative: которому.


!!Thank you!

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