Refund please?

Hi, I wanted to request a refund if possible. I wasnt aware of the autorenewal for my pro on the application and got charged for another year. If i could get the money back for that it would be great.

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Tagging @memrisesupportv to help you with this. Emailing cancel at also works. :smiley: sorry to see you go :slight_smile:

Support isn’t tagged and not being pro does not equal leaving memrise…

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Hi @nikotyler543215,

Thanks for getting in touch.

According to our records, the amount was authorised by Google, but you weren’t charged as the subscription had been cancelled before it could renew.

If you were charged, the amount should be reversed soon.

I hope this helps.

Thanks for trying Memrise Pro and happy learning with the free plan. :slightly_smiling_face:

Best wishes,
Memrise Support