Recording Audio Bug

Not completely sure if this is considered a bug but when you are recording audio for words and then play it back to see if you are satisfied with it if you don’t like it and then re record over it, it doesn’t save and only saves the original recording. Therefore if you are not satisfied with a recording you have to hit cancel and it exits you out of that level and you have to go back into that level again, delete the audio for that word and then try again and hope you get it right that time. Edit: This happens using the Google Chrome browser on Windows 10.
Also, in the forums here I made a [course forum] for a course I just released and spent a lot of time adding 1,200+ words and recording audio for it. I had been working on this course simultaneously with another course. Yesterday I was able to release it and make a course forum for the first course. Today I released the second course and made a course forum for that one, but the moment I made the topic it was hidden from others and marked as SPAM. Should this be happening? These are the only 2 courses I am releasing probably ever and to have it hidden is frustrating. EDIT: What makes this all the more comical is that 5 minutes prior I got an automated message saying my trust level was increased and it suggested I make topic, so I make a topic and it immediately gets hidden as SPAM.

That is just because you’re so new to the forum.

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Can’t try it out myself right now, but that sure isn’t how it’s supposed to be. You might want to add information about your operating system and browser, just to make sure.

Could you see into this, @MemriseSupport?

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I added the browser and operating system. Thanks for the suggestion.

Thanks for the report. I’ll raise this to the QA team now, however please note that work on the course creation section of the website isn’t being prioritised right now and we have no timeline for when and if it will be.

you have to go back into that level again, delete the audio for that word and then try again and hope you get it right that time

Although I understand it’s not ideal, in the meanwhile please use this workaround.

it was hidden from others and marked as SPAM

I’ll review that for you now, but it might indeed be due to your current level on the forum. Edit: the post has now been un-deleted, that was a system error. Apologies!

Thanks for your patience.


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Thank you for your help!