Recent Changes On Course won't get updated on iOS App

Hi Dears
I have made an English course.I frequently update it and then i check it on my iOS app.
My problem is when i review my course sometimes i find some misspelling or mistyping ,then i correct them
it won’t get updated on my current course which i have on my mobile app.
What should i have done to get the latest version ???

Tanx in advance.

I have you downloaded your course to your phone (offline)? Then you need to download it again (click the download icon and it will ask if you want to remove the download; at least on Android. Is it is the same of iOS?).

However, if you hadn’t downloaded it, it can take some time. Exiting the app, doing a learning sessesion, going to settings and back to learning often makes the App syncing with the server again and update new words.*

  • Which makes me all of sudden realize that it maybe worth to put in a feature request that have a ‘sync’ button in the app that will sync any updates to the course and the learning progress.

The sync should be transparent. This is just a serious bug.

Tanx to everyone who replied.

Final Result:
It is a bug, which courses won’t get updated (sync) with latest changes on courses.
To get the latest changes u have to log off from app and login again to get latest changes( u can call it manual sync approach ;D ).

The end.

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The real ‘The End’ would be if the server sends over a SHA1 checksum based on the database contents to the client and if it’s different from the existing database it forces the client a download of the update database.