RE: Vulcan Institute Lessons, looking for @daermi

I’m trying to find user @daermi who created the Vulcan Language Institute lesson course, for some corrections on their translations from the VLI website. In the description it says to message them if we find errors, but there is no direct messaging system within Memrise (aside from the forums, on which they appear not to have posted), and they don’t show up from an “@”. They last updated in 2017 and I have converted the remaining 18-34 lessons from VLI to Memrise, but there is no way to contact them and let them know.

I would hope in a future installation of Memrise that a more direct messaging system/commenting system for courses (allowing the creators of the courses to assist/correct students) could be implemented.

Dif-tor heh smusma.

As explained in the other thread, @daermi doesn’t have a forum account. I’ve just checked the course description and the (contact-) link provided there leads into plain nothingness, so (s)he will most probably no longer be active.

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