Random Typing Appears When in Review Mode

When reviewing a course, if I get a word wrong, that misspelling will reappear as I try to type for a new word. For example

Word 1: 한자
My spelling: 함자
It’s noted as wrong and the next word to review appears

Word 2: 의자
Before I have a chance to type: 함자 appears
then I have to delete this text and type my answer

This only happens on Memrise web (no on my phone) and across web browsers.
It is starting to really irk me, especially when I’m in a rush to meet my streak goal. I have to take the time to delete these random words. It interrupts my typing and thinking. I’ve even had moments where it appears after I type my answer, thus making my answer wrong and hurting my points/difficulty rating.

I thought it was my keyboard, but this has not happened on any other site.
Anyone else having this?