Quick und quickly

cant distinguish between quick und quickly. both = schnell

Hi! Can you please provide a link to the course you’re talking about


link: english 3

lvl 5

Hi @Lien!

I didn’t find a course forum for English for German speakers.

Is there any?

@Ewgi_Blub22 Is it a course for Germans?

@Atikker yes

“Quick” is an adjective. “Quickly” is an adverb.

For example:

  • I am quick.
  • I catch the quick rabbit.
  • I quickly eat apples.
  • I run quickly.

An adjective describes nouns. An adverb describes verbs.


without context i cant choose between quick and quickly

for example: translate the word "schnell"
now you have 2 choices “quick” and “quickly”, both have the same meaning. But only one is the right answer.
so with only luck you get the right answer

It sems that your issue might be that you don’t know what I mean by “adverb” and “adjective”. Maybe you simply need more practice with those. I would recommend that you research simple sentences that use adjectives and adverbs and then study the words “quick” and “quickly” one more time. If that doesn’t help, I have an idea that might help you but first I need your help. Can you please find me two different words in German that have very similar meanings. One must be an adverb and one must be an adjective.

There is logic behind the words “quick” and “quickly”. They have the same general meaning but we use them at different times.

If in multiple answer tests you get quickly and quick for schnell with no disambiguation there is no use of knowing what is adjective and what is adverb.

Is this the case here @Ewgi_Blub22

Oh! I see! Apologies. I didn’t realise that these were multiple choice questions. Yes, I can see why that would be a problem.

I have just had a quick (!) look at the first level of this course and it doesn’t include any “attributes” to help distinguish between parts of speech.

@Ewgi_Blub22 could ask @mario2189 (the Memrise German language specialist) to add an attribute column to the course so that entries such as “schnell” could be labelled so that the learner knows if it is the adverb or adjective that is required.

Good luck! :four_leaf_clover:

@Atikker correct