Prompt and answer appearing as one option in multiple choice

Hello, I’m trying to understand the use case for why someone would want ‘prompt, answer’ listed in the multiple choice options? Did I pick a setting in the course that allows this? It’s totally jarring and… I’d like help in understanding if this is a bug, and if it’s not, what is the use of displaying the prompt + answer as an option in the multiple choice? In the attached image “to climb a mountain” should only be seen in the prompt, not as an option in the cards.

Thank you.

It’s certainly an error, to have it fixed you may have to contact the course creator (by tagging they here using “@”) or ask the Memrise staff to add you as a course contributor.

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I am the course creator. There’s no error in the study list. Did I pick a setting that’s causing this?

It was probably when you were adding the words, can you see this in the word list or only when you are in a learning session?

If you can see in the word list you just have to edit the entry, if you can only see this in the learning session I think that only the Memrise staff will be able to fix it.

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It’s only in a learning session. How do I flag a staff member?


Hi @hadibeentold

3 is a dummy answer.
4 is the correct answer.

To correct and eliminate a dummy option see the thread about eliminating a “Phantom” entry.

I deleted half the answer and save.

Put it back and save.

Then delete the other half … Etc

Then you should have eliminated it.

Thank you so much @DW7 and @user6 :slight_smile: I hope this fixes the problem.


Hi again. I used the phantom remover script and I’m still getting this same error:

You do this routine on the correct entry.

It’s always worked for me in the past.

Ah, so I need to run the phantom script and individually do “delete one entry, save, put it back, delete the other entry, save, put it back”? It’s happening for quite a few but if I have to, I have to.

The scrip (if it’s been updated) eliminates all phantoms.

The way I do it works for a few individual entries.

You shouldn’t need to do both.

Depending on how many problems you have and how many issues there are, it’s sometimes worth creating a corrected course.

Then tell everyone in the description to see the new course.

Finally delete the old course when people have migrated to your new course.

Yeah, this is happening for most if not all entries, and the phantom script doesn’t eliminate everything (for me).

There’s already resistance to using this over Quizlet… If I delete my students’ progress (again), I’m not sure they’ll tolerate it.

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That’s sad you are trying to help students who obviously are using your course.

Surely “roto” mans “broken” so why isn’t that an answer?
Something must be wrong? I would have thought the answer should be in English.

Anyway …
Have you tried the non-script solution on one or two and has it worked?

Looking at your second screenshot, I don’t think “roto” is offering the answer, like in your first screenshot.

Phantom entries will still be there unless you do the same for “roto” etc.

The fact that option 4 is not the right answer doesn’t help the student apart from eliminating one option.

If you went to testing and turned on Tapping and Typing that might help as more testing methods would appear (and matching would appear less often).

Sadly, I don’t know how to eliminate matching box to be option to answer.

Can the Community or @MemriseSupport offer a solution, please?