Just received “One day least for super-puper promo action!” letter. But what is mean “Full lesson”, needed to complete for registration for pize? It is a full course? Or section? In my app I don’t can find anything titled as Full lesson.
And HOW I can to register for prize? After login into account, I see my dashboard without promo links.
Very strange promo action… for nobody? )))
Yeah, same question.
I just did 1 session, like 1 topic within a level…
It doesn’t say anything about clicking anywhere. It should be automatic then?
If you are pro and did 1 session ( 1 topic or a whole level??)?
Answers please?
Promo expires today…
Hi there,
Sorry for the confusion here - you’re automatically entered into the draw if you subscribe to Memrise (have a Pro account) and complete a learning session with an official Memrise course - a few words/phrases or new topic is fine!
The last day to enter is today.
Как подать заявку???