All tapping courses I follow don’t allow rearranging words but only suggest multiple choice from whole sentences or audio files.
I reporting this as a bug but maybe it’s a feature. I would like to know if it’s a feature because I’m creating my own courses and if tapping testing is no longer an option, I would not put efforts in making new tapping courses.
Hi @mary_platt, are you sure they are tapping courses?
As you may know, there are three testing options (Typing tests- some times limited to a certain number of words, tapping tests - ie selecting words in the right order and matching the pair - my terminology.)
It depends what the course creator has set up, and it sometimes takes a while to see all testing options.
I am not aware if this feature has gone - I can check it for you, if you like?
I have a vague feeling you can also disable certain testing methods in you settings. Have a look.
Reply and ask if you need more help.
Someone can disable tapping tests in his profile settings:
Memrise calls it “Tapping tests (jumbled words)”
@DW7, yes, there are tapping courses - they consist of phrases. The same is with the phrases in the official memrise courses. I created my own courses and set on tapping which by definition is “rearranging words”. But unfortunately, this type of testing disappeared from the web. I still had it in the app of my tablet. A few days ago I noticed that it’s no longer available. Instead of tapping, it gives me multiple choice, a choice from 3 audio files or one audio file and I have to choose from 6 text boxes.
The strange thing is that tapping is there when I learn new words (in this case phrases) but when I review, disappears.
@Thomas.Heiss, thanks. Tapping test is set but I unchecked audio tests now and I hope it will not give me these audio tests anymore.
But I still want to know if disappearing of tapping is a bug or a feature.
Why don’t you then try / use the “all tapping” script by Cooljingle: GitHub - cooljingle/memrise-all-tapping-tests: All tapping tests when doing Memrise learning
I am not sure if there is a dedicated thread yet on the Howto sub-forum (have not tested it myself!)
If you stick to the web portal for reviews, and the Android mobile app only for learning NEW words, you might be successful in achieving what you want.
@Thomas.Heiss, thank you but I have mixed courses with single words for typing and phrases for tapping.
I think it’s correct memrise stuff to fix this. If they read this forum at all.
There is a problem with recording audio but they didn’t fix it.