Problem with memrise (WEB VERSION) the program loads and nothing happens

Good morning,
I’m trying to use memrise wit my computer. I do the login and every activity I try to do, e.g. review words, speed test, etc… the program loads and nothing happens. I tried with explorer, Mozilla and chrome… always the same problem.
I’ve downloaded the newest update for flash player and empty the cache as suggested… same problem.

What should I do to make it work?


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When you say “the program loads and nothing happens” what do you see?

I see a gray page and in the middle of that page is written " ‘name of
activity’ is loading (e.g: plant new memories is loading) but as the time
passes by nothing happens. Is just like the Programm freezes! This happen
with all the browser programs I have (chrome, mozilla, explorer).
As I said in the previous message I’ve already tried to install the new
version of Adobe Flash player, but nothing has changed.
Hope you can help me to fix this problemishes.



Could you take a screenshot of your Google Chrome developer console.

To open the Console panel, either:

  • Press Ctrl+Shift+J (Windows / Linux) or Cmd+Alt+J (Mac).
  • If DevTools is already open, press the Console button.

An error message will be shown, please take a screenshot of that so we can see what is causing your session not to load.

Here is the error

Hi, are you using Memrise from China?

If not, what country are you using the website?

I used it in Finland and in Italy.
Now I’m using it from Italy.
(I had the same problem in both countries )

Could you try in incognito mode and tell us if you still experience this problem?