Hello, I am working on a verb course to help me with my Russian: https://www.memrise.com/course/1626239/555-verbs/ . A friend has very kindly done the audio and it took me a long time to put this course together (it still isn’t done). However, I have encountered a problem. Previously I included a number after every verb, however, I realised this wasn’t necessary and removed these numbers. Now when using the course when I am given a task during the learning of new words, the alternative wrong answers still appear, there is usually out of 8 only 1 or 2 words without numbers, of which the answer is obviously one of them. I feel like this shouldn’t be an issue, how could this be fixed other than by creating the course from scratch? This is a problem as it means it is too easy to guess the answer and therefore memrise is far less able to identify what words I am weak on.
Thank you soooooo much!