Problem and Suggestion

İn the past it was possible to write in the forum of a group if there are some mistakes… how can reach the group admin?
At the moment İ am learning türkish… in many cases there exists 2 or 3 synonym for on german word… the problem is when the synonymes not noticed as synonymes. so in most cases don-t know whıich translation i should take… and it makes oneself angry if you have false positiv result. .
would be nice if there would pop up another textbox in testing modes with the order to write another synonyme instead of noticing it as wrong.

A post was merged into an existing topic: How are we supposed to communicate with the course creators?

I didn’t see an answer to this question in my reading of the other topic, and the boldened part is another discussion, so reopened.

You need to let people know the course you are learning to help fix this.