Problem adding “Short Description” - it disappears!
I have been going back to courses I support adding a short description needed for the app version (if missing) and adding Contact via the Forum info as requested in this thread
However it seems to disappear when saving it and if do it in two parts (description then save and then contact and save) it can all disappear (even thought it does not exceed the character limit).
Sometime another save makes the information re-appear and other times even though saved when I exit and then return it is missing.
Has anyone else experienced this?
@Joshua could you please investigate? (I am using Windows 10 with Firefox.)
I just tried it out on one of my geography courses. This is what happened:
From the edit screen (on the website) I completed the “short description” box (which had been empty) saying “comments welcome at the Memrise forum, accessed from the website homepage footnotes”.
On saving the edit, the “short description” box appeared empty (as if the save hadn’t worked).
I opened the iOS app on my iPad and found that the new “short description” had replaced the previous “long description”!
I returned to the edit page on the website and hovered over the empty “short description” (which was now showing ‘yellow’ instead of ‘white’ and the new text appeared in a dropdown box immediately below. Clicking on that inserted the text in the “short description” box, which could then be saved (the text remained in the box, which was now again showing ‘white’).
As the “short description” I chose is not fit for purpose on its own, I tried to delete it via the edit page on the website. The first attempt didn’t save but, when I tried a second time and clicked on the page outside of the "short description"box before clicking on “save”, it saved the deletion.
I logged out and back into my iOS app and found that the original “long description” had been reinstated. Hooray!
I don’t think there is a way to have both long and short descriptions active at the same time. At least, I haven’t found a way of achieving that.
Yes, both descriptions were visible on the “details” page when editing, but I was only seeing one or other of them on the course homepage.
On the iOS app, your course description reads: “Learn the locations, names and types of the 25 largest deserts in the world. For support & course info see web version.”
Yes, but it’s cut short. You only see the first 3 or 4 lines.
Yes, that was the same outcome I described in my first post above. The short description replaced the long description on the app but the long description remained on the web version.
Limited space on the app (smaller screen) is always going to be a factor.
It generally took two attempts to enter the short descriptions
This is possibly because without the short description, MemRise shows the first few lines of the long description on the app (although this is not shown in that field when editing, it may be linked).