In level 20 of Dutch 5 (Sports: Fans), the English word ‘draw’ is translated as ‘tekenen’ as in “The child draws a house.”.
Here, however, since we are supposedly learning words related to the world of sports, I believe that ‘draw’ ought to be translated either into
‘trekken’ (Wij trekken strootjes om te beslissen wie er als eerste moest = We drew straws to decide who had to go first.) or
‘gelijkspelen’ (De teams speelden gelijk in een spannende wedstrijd. = The teams drew in an exiting match).
I borrowed the examples from draw - Dutch translation – Linguee
Also in Dutch 5, you have “a chance” as “de kans” instead of either ‘a chance - een kans’ or ‘the chance - de kans’.