Pro doesn't work

Hello, I purchased pro yesterday but still I can’t use any of pro functions. The payment is registered in Google play however on memrise itself it still demands to pay for pro account.
What to do now?

Might take a day or two.

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Hi @Jasntota

Sorry to hear this!

We’ve managed to locate your payment with the GPA no. and information provided. Sometimes there can be hiccups between Google and our Application. I’ve now manually activated your Memrise Pro from today! :slight_smile:

Apologies for the delay.

Happy learning,

Memrise Team

Hello. I also have this problem.
Can you look into this for me, thanks

Order number: GPA.3342-5890-9948-59655
Order date: 17-Oct-2017 12:50:00 CEST
Item Price
Memrise Pro - Annual International 20 (Memrise: Learn a new language) 37,60 €/year

Yearly Subscription - Auto Renews on 17-Oct-2018

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