Practice not remembering some words per session

Since the latest update (2.1.19) when doing a lesson it will “forget” progress on some of my words. What I mean is if I am doing 10 words per lesson, I will finish a block making half progress on all of them, but when I continue the next lesson 3-4 of them will be reset, so I have to do those words over again.

Its not a huge deal (I’m still learning) but it ends up adding an extra lesson round to each level, which is kind of annoying.

Sounds like its similar to this Android bug: Progress lost when learning 10 words per session

Hi, So sorry for the trouble! It’s an annoying bug which we hope to have fixed soon. In the meantime, you can try the following workaround: when you change the Words per Learning Session to 3 or 5 all should work ok. Apologies for the nuisance. Best wishes, Lien

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