Post the books that helped you the most in learning a new lang

Österreiches-Wörterschatz Bücher und die ganze Calvin und Hobbes Sammlung auf Deutsch. :stuck_out_tongue:

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I think I’d have to go with Integrated Chinese :slight_smile:

Integrated Chinese is a good text. I bought, and learned from, the 2nd Edition years ago. (Traditional character version).

Ya, I really liked it! It was the textbook that we used when I was studying Chinese in college, which was fantastic. I loved how they had a relatively-interesting story that continued through two or three of the books, and I felt like they did a good job choosing their vocabulary, too.

One thing that I miss now that I’m teaching English in China is that the textbook that my students are using doesn’t actually teach them grammar rules. It just has passages that sometimes contain examples of a particular grammar point and exercises that test over that grammar point. I guess the teacher is supposed to provide the grammar rules, but it’s really helpful to have exact rules on how grammar works written out, instead of my trying to come up with rules as I prepare lessons.

I agree. And now I am finding a similar issue with my students here in Taiwan that I am trying to teach English. They seem to understand the new vocabulary well enough, but they struggle with grammar when trying to compose sentences in English and so turn to me to try to illuminate them on “what the rules are” (which I probably fail to do, more often than succeed to do). I guess grammatical rules are hard to define in many languages. :disappointed:

In my opinion, grammar will never come forced in any language, no matter how hard you try. You can guide people with grammar books, but the only way they will get it down is passively learning it by listening and reading a lot. I can’t stress a lot enough.

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