“Sentence discussions” or course related questions is something different than the usage of “normal question/discussion threads” like the general “Duolingo(English)” forum is being used for and I enjoy to have something big as the Memrise community forum currently is.
Duolingo has a strong focus on the “sentence discussions” where you can click the “Discuss” button but lacks in the other parts for other “normal” threads.
What I would like to see on Memrise:
A report option - like Duolingo has it - as a learner to actively notify the course owner and (not visible) contributors directly about errors or missing synonyms or alternatives (especially when you construct your own sentences with 100% typing on the web).
IMHO it needs to be easier and more straightforward to apply / add changes to a course…this probably wouldn’t hurt…at least for the learners as not everyone runs into the same issues (errors or missing accepted synonyms/alternatives) again and over again and you can start integrating course improvements as soon as implicit reports are flowing into the report queue system.
Back in 2017 and 2018 I started to create a notepad textfile about “Learn PT BR Basics” and PT BR 1-3 “not accepted translations” (e.g. I saw how some words were used in the user-created Duolingo PT BR vocabulary clone course) and continued a bit to write them down for the later (4) 5-6 PT BR courses as well but not to the same extend.
If courses by owners like “Memrise team” and others are only designed as courses in mind of no typing / multiple-choice (or tapping), then this can backfire at learners as soon as they want to make use of “all typing” Tampermonkey userscripts on the Memrise web portal and do classic reviews with 100% (free) typing in a textfield.
For any reason (I am not in contact with Portuguese native speakers and I have no tutor) I never reviewed my written notes and started new comments in the related threads to be discussed publicly with the Memrise course moderators.
Am I the only one?
Has this happened also to other learners?
This course support (with a report queue directly visible to the owner/contributors) could be used if there is no need to heavily discuss some missing synonyms or alternative sentences which should be obvious to be either accepted or denied.
If denied:
The Memrise system should log the rejected report with an additional detail explanation (optional) from the course owner / contributor why exactly it is wrong and immediately show that message the next time and the refuse state to the other learner who maybe tries to report this “(wrong) solution” once again.
In my case, I would have had at least the chance to immediately report those missing answers / synonyms back in 2017 or 2018 when using the courses actively as soon as I came over some answer rejections.
3 years later I am finally back at reviewing ALL of the 7 PT BR course series regularly.
I will have to carefully check my written notes one day or complete them as they usually tackled multiple courses at once
(word was accepted in course X and level Y, used in this form in course X, but in course Y it is different / not accepted for any reason).
If I will ever find the nerves to publish them on the forum in the related course threads once I could polish/verify them again…I am not that sure about this
It is good that there also is the support to discuss a course in a dedicated (single) thread to bring up some new ideas (if you are a bit insure) or ask why a sentence is in the way it was written / constructed in the target language or translated back to fully understand the meaning.
I guess I will have to start doing this with some basic questions in my 50languages course where I sometimes find some odd sentence translations or missing words and I do not really understand why it is that way.
In this case it is not enough to simply “flag sentences” or report errors or missing “alternative answers”.