Poll: how many mems have you made while using memrise?

Thought it might be interesting to see how many mems some of the forum users have made to date.

So far, I have made over 2,710.

My total count would be more, but I deleted a few that I had made. These were mems I had made after memrise requested help with their new German courses, about two years ago, but then they stopped publicising these courses in favour of the new ones, so I thought they didn’t need to be taking up space.

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16… :smile: (made one 5 mins ago)

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Zero. None. I’ve also not used any mems made by others.

(I’m not even sure whether there were any in the courses I’ve used.)

I’m not sure whether mems work for me – I think it would cause me to think of the association when speaking rather than the word itself and that would kind of be counterproductive.

Mnemonics may be good for remembering lists such as the Ten Commandments (“five - think of drive - you’re going on a drive with your parents - the fifth commandment is honour thy father and thy mother”), but I’m not sure whether they’re good for fluent speaking.

There, I want to associate, say, “pear” with the concept of a pear, so that when I think of a pear I will say the English word “pear”, rather than following a mem and going “this is a fruit that often comes in pairs – oh, they’re called pear” or something like that. I find them actively distracting.

Obviously, others’ mileage varies.


So, what do you like about memrise? What makes it effective for you?

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I like the pre-existing courses that others have made, which contain vocabulary in languages that I would like to learn.

That way, I don’t have to make my own Anki decks for those languages.


So far just two. As I am learning mostly Spanish there is not much need - having some Latin, English and French crossreferences in my brain. I dabbled (just for fun) with a little bit of Mandarin and there mems are probably really useful if you want to be serious about it.

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Little over 1100 or so. Shame that most of them were for the benefits of others and not myself to help memorize how to write kanji. Now they can’t see them.


Currently 1287, including 25 pages of ´popular´ones.


Wow, that is fantastic! What language(s) are you learning?

Shame that those 25 pages are no longer visible to anybody but you and the people who liked them in the past, though, eh?

And nobody that does those courses in future will be able to see them, unless mem/censorise - “learning made joyless and lonely” - deems that they are worth showing.

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Originally, Finnish (currently taking a break). Now Spanish and some general stuff.

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is strange that you feel compelled to deviate from the topic of the thread. I did not do so many mems (some 300-400 but deleted those with no use for me later) - however, the mems of others, when learning Chinese for ex, saved my brain and helped me not to give up on it

on my profile page you see it: 76.876 items/words as for today. Without mems, would have been probably 30.000

incredible useful mems for Chinese: https://www.memrise.com/user/savannahchimp/
thanks, @savannahchimp: i know you got fed up with memrise some time ago and you don’t use these fora; however, thanks for your mems and the nice conversations in the old forum


I have learned around 6,000 real words in Chinese and used about 20 mems. I only use it as an online flashcard system, so Anki would have the same effect for me. Chinese characters are visual though so I don’t think they need mems as much as the pronunciations of words and mapping that to the meaning. But, that’s just my opinion.


Not a single one. I knew I should but I was too lazy. If I saw another user had made a mem I would use that one, but the majority of my learning I did in my own private courses. I have added decomposition and etymology info to them, which did also have a similar function.

If in the future I get it in my head to study another language, one thing that used to attract me was being able to use other people’s mems. With that gone, and with Memrise’s inferior SRS, buggy app, and the need to be always online, the only thing that still attracts me is the community-created courses. That is a very strong draw, but the drawbacks of the product also are getting bigger, and are compounded by the team’s absent communication, so we can never rest easily in the knowledge we can still use the product the way we like it in two years’ time.


I was astonished when I noticed it.


Over 1,278. Not all of them were great, but most of them helped me and I hope that many of them helped other learners to remember a word or two.

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i’ve done 2553 but since a long while back i’ve mostly been making them in my head.

mems aren’t just a “thing you do for memrise”. the more you try memory aids, the more you realize you can actually learn ten times faster than how you do now. my goal is to be able to see a word just ONCE and always remember it, so mems (in all their various forms) are good for me.


now i hope they will fix this whole stupid PC garbage and bring back the memes


mems, not memes :smiley:


ups… i spent to much time in kekistan lately :slight_smile:


I’ve made 1388 mems.

If I’m in a hurry or feeling lazy, I’ll make them in my head instead of putting them on Memrise. A couple years ago when using the app, I’d write mems down in a notes/documents as I planted, but that’s a lot of work!