Points for "overwatering"

  • Description of the issue: I remember that in the old Memrise, you get 150 points (at most) for reviewing a word that is due for review (“watering”), but only 1 point for reviewing a word that is not yet due (“overwatering”). This is no longer the case now - you get 150 points for both watering and overwatering. Is this a bug or an intended change?

Hi @johnastsang, we’ve reached out to the web team to see if this is a bug or intended change. Will come back to you when we hear more :slightly_smiling_face:


@johnastsang this is intentional- 150 points are awarded for review, whether it is due for renew or not.

What are the reasons behind the change?

It was part of some changes made to align the points system across all platforms. We’re still working to ensure this is done on iOS. Once it is, we will publish the points system for our users.

I’m sorry that didn’t answer my question. The old system was designed such that overwatering was minimally rewarded. This compelled users to follow spaced repetition. What are the reasons to remove this design feature?

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Over the last 4.5 years that I’ve been using the system (mostly Android, if that matters), I haven’t seen that you only get 1 XP for “overwatering”. I do recall that you used (again, on Android) to get some 50 or so XP when doing a Speed Review for items, but regardless of whether they were up for review. These are now 150 XP as well.

It actually wouldn’t make any sense (to me) to “punish” additional reviews either, quite the contrary!

I remember that getting 1 XP for overwatering was certainly the case in the web version when I joined Memrise in 2015. It’s not really to “punish” additional reviews, but to discourage them as they, according to the spaced repetition theory, are not as efficient as reviewing due items. Anyway, points don’t matter a lot to me. It’s just that I’m curious about the reasons for the change, and “aligning the points system” is not a reason (why not align in the old way?)!