Please read these rules before posting on this section

Welcome to the Feedback and Feature requests section! Please follow the rules below when posting here:

  • If you have a piece of feedback or a request, first of all please search the forum for similar threads. If there are similar posts on the same topic, please post in that thread instead of creating a new one.
  • If you want to create a new thread, clearly mark your post with the relevant title. Use [Feedback] or [Feature Request]
  • If you believe you’re having technical issues that are affecting your experience on Memrise, please post in Bug Control instead.

Customer feedback means the world for us, but please understand that due to a high number of posts we will not be able to respond to each and all of them individually. However, please rest assured that they’re all read regularly by our team and your comments will be taken into consideration for future updates.

Thank you for taking the time to share your opinion with us. :slight_smile: