Please no automatic removal of difficult words from the difficult words list

Can you please change difficult words back to the way it was? Once you have memorized the difficult words from the difficult words list they get automatically removed. I want to decide for myself when to remove them from the list manually.


I totally agree with you. Why would they think that repeating the word one time is enough ? I want to repeat them as much as I think its necessary.


Are the developers aware that NOBODY liked the shit that they did with the difficult words tool ? I’m soooo disappointed and if they don’t change it soon I’m not going to renew my pro and maybe leave memrise and search for some other website


soo… are they going to do sth about that ? Any news ?

Nope, heard nothing

I also agree.
It makes it really difficult putting them back into the list, because you can no longer do it from the list that appears at the end.

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Perhaps the answer is for @MemriseSupport to be flexible and offer the options (personal choice) of 1, 2 or 3 etc correct replies before a word is removed.

For me just once is fine but it wouldn’t be in a difficult new language.

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