Please meet MemBot

Ah, so that will probably just mean that you didn’t buy a sub.

I hate this word - I tend to spell it wrong in German as well! :rofl:

Is it safe for classic users to try this out or will it break anything? I’m curious, but quite a bit wary …

And is there a list of languages to pick from so I don’t have to start EN-FR but i.e. DE-ES or EN-RU, etc.?

Everything will work, but as I said, work on Early Access does not contribute to streaks on classic, so if you care about streaks do all learning on classic.
That link will enroll you to french for english, but once you’re in Early Access use the language dropdown to add langi=uage and you can quit the course and add others as you like

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I can’t find the Communicate space, and when I go directly to Memrise it redirects me to the dashboard with no way to go to Communicate.

Please see my post above

Will the Classic Review and Speed Review still be available on the new format. I like these reviews and will be very disappointed if they are no longer available. If they aren’t available, what will take their place to help in the vocabulary learning phase?

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By 2025 it will just be our phones talking to each other, cutting the humans completely out of the loop.

(joke – that’s just where my science-fictional head went)

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Are there more Membots available with a paid plan or are there all the same with a free plan just without the message limit?