Please do not block this [Off-topic banter]

i am so bored i just did this

dude, whats the point in putting this up? if you are bored do something else, don’t waste other peoples time :fearful:


Hey Andrew

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Something to watch to pass the time:


This link shows a lot of violence, please don’t post it here

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Oh, you’re right.

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Your link showed kids saying Christians should be killed, which is wrong.
Why did you put this here!?

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P.S I followed you on memrise… Can you follow me back?

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I’ve put it back. I’m actually not convinced it’s inappropriate for minors (and the violence is not shown). As to why I put it here: a main reason to learn a language is to broaden your horizons. This does that in a way. Also, just because.

I’ll do that.

Another video:


thx, Just to say I am Catholic so that video was a bit racist when I saw a catholic getting their head chopped off

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woah, where’d all this chat come from!! :smile:

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There are a lot of languages on Memrise including English. Maybe you can learn what the word “Racist” means before using it again.

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This was an amazing trilogy. I think may have to watch them again.